Each year, at the end of February, if all the conditions conspire with one another to allow for the show, there exists a miracle of nature the likes of which are simply amazing. Horsetail Fall, in Yosemite National Park, is transformed during precisely perfect conditions into what has become known as the “Firefall.” This was the first attempt I made to view the phenomenon and after hearing story after story from fellow photographers who have tried numerous times in the past with no luck, I realize how fortunate I was to see it. The show lasted for all of twelve minutes, throughout which time the colors changed from a golden to dark orange hue, until finally, as the sun set, it was gone. An amazing sight and experience to be sure and one that left me absolutely awestruck. What an incredible privilege it was to behold alongside an array of fellow photographers and travelers; all searching together to catch a glimpse, if only for a moment, of the divinely incredible beauty this world has to offer.

Photographers prepare hours in advance

Photographers line the banks of the Merced River

Yosemite Firefall – the show begins

Early golden hues of the Firefall

A golden Firefall spray

Transitioning from gold to orange

The Firefall in all its splendor

The Firefall glows at Yosemite National Park.

With the sunlight hitting the falls at exactly the right angle the true “Firefall” effect can be seen

The Firefall begins to disappear.

The Firefall vanishes